Andrew and Sam 1st September 2023

When we moved in to Gages Road circa 2006, Pete and Lorna went out of their way to make Sam and I feel incredibly welcome. Often we would stop and catch up en route to the shop, if Pete was out tending the profusion of colour that was his garden, or if Ann was picking Lorna up for one of their regular trips. Often I would cross the road to Pete's warning of "Watch that road!". Another fond memory is the day we were married, and as tradition dictates I didn't stay at home the night before. When Sam came out of the house to get into the wedding car, Lorna was across the road in a flash, camera in hand, taking snaps of the bride. We returned home late in the evening to find she had printed out the photos and popped them through the door. The last time we saw Lorna, was when we visited her at her new apartment (not flat vicar!), we were plied with tea and cake and honoured to be shown the photos of her trip to the States, whilst visiting Michael's family. She beamed with happiness from the photos and when recalling the scenes they showed. Her one complaint was how cold it had been! Pete and Lorna's kindness and sense of community are a lesson we can all learn from and one that is sorely needed in today's society.